Associations, Memberships, and Affiliations


  • ​ASTM ​International  (ASTM)
  • ASTM F48, Committee on Exoskeletons and Exosuits  (ASTM F48)
  • NDIA Women in ​Defense  (WID)
  • Mass Technology Leadership Council  (MassTLC)
  • Wearable Robotics Association  (WeaRA)
  • Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International  (AUVSI)
  • Women in Public Policy  (WIPP)


  • Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (GNEMSDC)
  • Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA)
  • Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce (HACC)
  • National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC/DME)
New Stone Soup - SBA


(Note: clicking on links below will open a new window/tab to go to that designated website)

ASTM International - Global Technical Expertise  30,000 members collaborate in-person and online to create and update high-quality, market-relevant standards.

Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits  (ASTM F48)

ASTM F48 - Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits

WearRAcon Europe November 19, 2019
WearRAcon 20, March 20 to April 1, 2020

​New Stone Soup VT LLC is looking for associates to team with. Please send a letter of intent that includes a short bio/interest statement and one page white paper of your capabilities and services to ​Rita Vazquez-Torres | Founder/CEO.